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We first started with 3 wild muhrooms. The most magnificant mushrooms we can add to any dish. Porcini Chanterelles and Black Trumpet. 


We just couldn't resist to stay away from those prized Morels. Small batches started to arrive every season from Oregon and the Pacific North West forests.  It has been a love affair ever since. 


Then we introuduced our second hit, the Wild Mix. A delightful and satisfying 2 OZ of 4 mushrooms. The Blend has Porcini, Chanterelles, Black Trumpet  and Morels.
We made lots of mushroom lovers very happy indeed.

Sliced Shiitake 

It was a mattter of time for Shiitake to joi the rest of the bunch. That was a great move on out part. Shiitake proved to be very popular, we think it made our Porcini a bit jealous. 

Sliced Portobello

What's a mushroom line up without the ever pugnant and so delicious Portobello. Our fans appreciated making this availabe in the pantry. Always ready for when the crave is a home made veggie burger. Perfect. 

Maitake & Woodear

Then our taste buds got more sophisticated  and a bit more demanding. Maitake made our broth and stews  

Then we fell in love with Chile Peppers

Then our taste buds got more sophisticated  and a bit more demanding. Maitake made our broth and stews  
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